Dc. M has giving me a task to concentrate on during lent.
I came up with some things but I'm going to wait and see what he says before I post them."Since Lent begins next week, I want you put aside your concern for the next 8 years, and to focus only on the 40 days of Lent to prepare yourself through prayer, fasting, abstinence, and good works to bring you one step closer to God. I want you to think of two objectives: 1. a “minimum” effort that you know you can do for 40 days that is not too easy, and not too hard. 2. a set of stretch goals that you want to do, but may be difficult to sustain for 40 days. It’s OK to miss your stretch goals; think of them as “extra credit”. But your “minimum” effort should be your “norm” that you must do for 40 days. Please be realistic and consider all the other duties you normally would be required to do in addition to your “minimum” Lenten effort.
Let me know what you decide to do."
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